Although many of us try to convince ourselves otherwise, when applying for anything nowadays, interviews are a fact of life. And from the moment you greet your interviewer with a handshake, the judgment begins. Play it safe and don’t let yourself make these mistakes come interview day :

"Ice, Ice, Baby"- Although it’s never a good idea to start practicing your newest stand up bit for interviewers, don’t let yourself get so caught up with nerves that you come off cold and boring. Smile, and don’t be afraid to laugh if the moment calls for it.

“Me, Me, Me” - Yes, it’s your interview – yes, you’re there to present your top attributes to the company, but don’t make the mistake of emphasizing what the employer can do for you. Instead, illustrate how you can be an asset to the organization. Never ask about salary before you get a job offer.

"I dunno..." – If you’re interviewing for a position, chances are, you’ll encounter a question like, “so tell me - what do you know about our company?” Make sure you know the job description inside and out, as well as information regarding their mission, staff, and history. Remember - a little research goes a long way.

"Excuse me, I'm up here." -- You don't have to give your interviewer a stare-down, but make sure that while you answer questions, your gaze isn't roaming around the room, or down in your lap. Make consistent, frequent eye contact to show you're engaged and listening.

For more tips on how to ace your next interview, check out this article from Techvibes, which covers 1o common mistakes people make during job interviews, verbal and nonverbal.