Tuesday & Wednesday September 27‐28 Noon‐4 PM

Hopkins CenterCheck out the range of employers attending the Employer Networking Fair on 9/27 and 9/28! From Education to Conservation; Marketing to Software Development. Visit the fair and network with employers to learn about differing industries, careers, and opportunities!







Before the Fair: Do Your Homework.

  •  Choose target employers. Browse the fair directory in advance and highlight “must see” employers.
  •  Be knowledgeable about your target employers. Review their websites and positon descriptions.
  •  Have questions. Draft 2‐3 questions based on your research that you can ask employer representatives.
  •  Know your strengths and interests. Be prepared to offer a summary of your qualifications.

At the Fair: Be Engaged and Engaging.

  •  Make a good impression. Wear business casual attire. Smile, use direct eye contact, offer a firm
  • handshake and show enthusiasm.
  •  Strike up a conversation. Introduce yourself and start asking questions. Don’t wait for the employer to
  • start talking.
  •  Collect business cards. Get contact information for the employers you speak with at each booth.
  •  Remember what you talked about. Take notes on how and when to apply for jobs or internships.
  •  Follow up. Within 48 hours of the fair, email additional questions to employers and thank them for their
  • time at the fair.