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Carol Barash

Conversation with a Friend (Passages)

From a conversation about passages with my friend, Carol Barash of Story to College, April 2011.

3575962821_65e04c41b3 It was easy to see a path. Like crossing a stream with big rocks. I knew where to jump and leapt among the stone until…

The stones got smaller? They wobbled? Or turned over?


You didn’t have a place to put your foot? You were standing in cool water?


You could feel the water rushing in from the top of your shoe. You felt your toes curl up then out. It moved over your ankles.


And it was time to move again? You had no choice. If you stayed you would have been washed away.


And so you leapt to the only place you could?


A stone that you didn’t think could hold you? Or that you could reach? And yet it did?


I hope your shoes are dry now, friend. But I have a feeling you’ll have to jump again.


I’m on the other side of the stream you’re in now;  I crossed it two years ago. I’ll reach out and give you a steady hand if you need it but I know you can do it.

Thanks. That’s all I need to know.