Planning to pursue an MBA after finishing your Bachelor's degree at Dartmouth? Curious about what an MBA program is? The Tuck Admissions Office invites you to explore another part of campus and the possibility of a future in business.  Throughout the spring, they are offering opportunities to visit Tuck, interact with current students and talk to staff:

8:30 AM or 10:20 AM - Class Visit 12 PM - Lunch with Students 12:45 PM - Tour of Tuck 1:30 PM - Q&A with an Admissions Officer

The program is available every Monday and Tuesday through May, with a couple of exceptions.  Here are program dates:

March 26, 27 April 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 23, 30 May 6, 7, 14, 20, 21

***To reserve a spot, or if you have any questions, please contact Gelsey Tolosa  (gelsey.a.tolosa<at>tuck<dot>dartmouth<dot>edu).

If you're unable to attend but have questions about Tuck's MBA program, don't hesitate to contact the Admissions office.

They are looking forward to meeting you!