Forget Palin versus Biden or Obama versus McCain, over at Career Hub, there's a raging debate over the future of the resume. This is an ongoing question for discussion among career professionals: are online sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook rendering the resume obsolete? Here is my take on the debate--read the post and tell me what you think. Counter opinions welcome!

I've long been a fan of the supplemental information in the job search: I think job seekers can always boost their attractiveness to employers with electronic portfolios (especially in creative professions--love Coroflot), writing samples, and online information that demonstrates interest and passion aligned with interests and career goals. Of course, there's no guarantee that employers will look at supplemental material in the process; however, I think it's better to have "extra information" than not--especially as employers look more to the web.

Here's my response to the debate:

While resumes are still the de-facto standard for applying for jobs (and are generally required both for the application process and so that the employer can meet Federal standards on record keeping) , I agree with Barbara Safani: the resume is increasingly viewed as one component of the application process--with online information playing a greater role in the overall search process.

The Google search on a candidate has become another standard practice--your online presence from LinkedIn to "digital dirt" can reveal just as much about you and your work as your resume. As early as 2006--an ExecuNet survey reported that 77% of executive recruiters admitted checking out candidates online during the employment process. In my opinion, building and maintaining your online presence has become a critical component of the job search process: In my private practice as a resume writer and career coach, I work with clients on "web-based" presence as much as I do on "paper."

Beyond the "Google" and online factor, Web 2.0 has also heavily influenced how resumes are evaluated: when you apply online for a position through a company or job board portal, your resume is frequently ranked based on "relevance" for this position. Elements affecting relevance include level of experience and key words (look at position descriptions and ads to identify potential key words, then use them in your resume).

In sum, technology is changing the role of the resume in the overall process, but resumes are still essential in the employment process. As such, it's no less important to have a clear, concise resume today than it was previously. The only "game changer": Your online presence is equally important.

Have you Googled yourself today?

To your success,
